Back to the topic. So I wanted to anchor at one side either fb or twitter. I checked my gtalk contact list and found my friend Hiranya online. "Hey I really need to code, this is kinda urgent and do you have any idea on what O should code?" that's all I asked him and surprisingly he replied "ok go and develop a twitter client for mobile". So that just set the anchor. Thanks to Hiranya.
Next I composed a mail, look in the gtalk and fb contact lists for known tweeps who tweet from mobile and send them. Well, I'm not imitating Linus Torvalds :-) So following goes my mail,
Guys & gal,
I'm about to develop (or trying to let's say :-) ) a new twitter
client for mobile. So I want to know your ideas on how it should be.
How it should differ from the existing ones. So please let me know
your valuable comments.
Note: Perhaps this idea will limit only to this mail :-) I try my best
to proceed.
I got a bunch of good ideas some I've no idea at all on how to implement them right now. We'll see. So special thanks goes to them. I googled on how to develop a twitter app and got a basic idea. Since this is for mobile I though to use J2ME. Most importantly this is going to be open source :-)
I needed a name for the project. The first came to mind was "twit2u". ok I used it for the project name in Netbeans. Today I googled for "twit2u" and found a twitter account with the very same name. So I changed it to "t2u" and here is the sourceforge project So far I've committed some code there already. The approach is to develop a basic client with basic functionality like tweet, timeline, retweet, dm etc. Then go for the more specific feature requests.
So basically that's it for now. Expect more news on the project in future.