We are pleased to announce that the sixth milestone release of Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 is now available to download from here. The Source and Tag Location for this release are available here.

Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 is the core of the next-generation WSO2 Carbon platform. We have completely rearchitected Carbon Kernel from the ground up with the latest technologies and patterns. Additionally, the Carbon Kernel is now a lightweight, general-purpose OSGi runtime specializing in hosting servers, providing key functionality for server developers. The result is a streamlined and even more powerful middleware platform than ever before.

This milestone release is a step forward towards building the OSGi-based server development framework. It includes the following new features.

New Features   
  • Upgrade to Eclipse Luna SR2 OSGi Framework.

  • Carbon Feature Plugin 2.0.0-m1 integration.

Key Features
  • Pluggable Runtime Framework
  • Java 8 Support
  • Centralized Logging Framework with Log4j 2.0 as the backend.
  • Carbon Launcher Framework
  • Transport Management Framework
  • Pax Exam OSGi Test Framework Support

Fixed Issues

How To Contribute

You can find more instructions on how to contribute on our documentation site.
If you have any suggestions or are interested in Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 discussions, you can join the dev@wso2.org or architecture@wso2.org mailing lists.

Reporting Issues

Carbon Kernel development is still in its early stages, and we encourage you to report issues, documentation errors, and feature requests regarding this milestone release of WSO2 Carbon Kernel 5.0.0 through the public issue tracking system.

WSO2 Carbon Team

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